How to Host the Ultimate Nerd Horror Movie Marathon
Planning and hosting a movie marathon is always a blast. Adding a nerd horror twist can make it an even more unforgettable experience. Whether you're a die-hard horror fan or looking to introduce your friends to the genre, here's a step-by-step guide to hosting the ultimate nerd horror movie marathon.
The Influence of Dungeons & Dragons on Nerd Horror
In this article, we'll explore the impact of D&D on nerd horror and why this synergy continues to captivate audiences.
It’s Always the Right Season for Horror Themed Cupcakes
5 Horror Films to Heat Up Your Summer
Five horror films that feature fire to heat up your already hot, hot, hot summer days.
Icons of Nerd Horror to be Honored on the Walk of Fame
Two nerd horror icons are being honored with stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame: John Carpenter and Robert Englund.
Robert Eggers Nosferatu Teaser is here
The teaser for Robert Eggers Nosferatu is here!
Three Video Games Every Nerd Horror Fan Should Be Playing
The Best Nerd Horror Cosplays and How to Create Them
If you're a fan of nerd horror and love to cosplay, then you know there's nothing quite like stepping into the shoes of your favorite brainy, quirky, and sometimes downright terrifying characters.
Ten Nerd Horror Movies Every Fan Must Watch
Nerd Horror is here. And to celebrate, we’ve got our first and certainly not last list of ten nerd horror movies that every fan should have on their watchlist.
The Nerd as Comic Relief in Horror Films
Horror movies are all about scares, suspense, and sometimes a lot of blood and gore. But let’s face it, we all need a little break from the tension every now and then. That’s where nerd characters come in.
Iconic Nerd Horror Characters and Their Impact (Part 2)
In Part 2 of this series of articles, we explore three more iconic Nerd Horror characters and their impact on pop culture.
Iconic Nerd Horror Characters and Their Impact (Part 1)
In this series of articles, we’ll explore iconic Nerd Horror characters and delve into their lasting impact on pop culture.
Nerd Character Tropes in Horror Movies
Nerdy characters have become a staple in horror films, offering a refreshing and often relatable perspective amidst the chaos and terror.
What is Nerd Horror?
This subgenre offers a fresh twist on horror by highlighting characters of all types—from protagonist to antagonist to supporting characters—who use brains over brawn to navigate the nightmarish scenarios they face.
CONSUME is a series of pop art inspired by John Carpenter’s cult classic 80’s science fiction horror film, They Live. Created by Hal Hefner, CONSUME has been shared millions of times around the internet and shown in galleries all around the world as well as music festivals like Glastonbury.